Cultivate develops, builds and operates productive and sustainable urban farming ecosystems. We are designing ambitious projects to re-imagine the way we produce, transform, sell and consume hyper-fresh and ultra-local produce with minimum resources.

The impulse on sustainable cities, the emergence of disruptive farming technologies (AgTech), and the principles of the circular economy are new levers to rethink our agri-food value chains. We strive to reconnect urban populations with their food production and consumption at a local level to bring back fresh, healthy and tasty products. As we go, we aim to create a community of like-minded people caring about what they eat and its impact on the planet, by hosting various activities and events at our farms.
For each project, Cultivate aims for for technical excellence, thorough business rationale & environmental responsibility.
Technically agnostic, Cultivate can mobilise for each project a diverse set of skills : architects, consultants, experts in urban agriculture, agronomists, greenhouse specialists, world-renowned chefs, … New-generation productive tools allow us to reach yields 20 to 30 times higher than conventional agriculture, while minimising its environment impact.

Rational use of natural resources, state-of-the-art production methods, local-level integration, elimination of long-distance, refrigerated food transportation, eco-friendly packagings... We strive to finds ways to make our deep environmental commitments support our business objectives.
By keeping a constant eye on the latest trends and innovations (agtech, food, packaging, lifestyle, ...) and the new possibilities offered by innovations (products, services, methods, ...), Cultivate helps new concepts emerge at the crossroads of urban agriculture, food, catering, hospitality and wellness.
Our thorough technical, business and financial analysis capabilities allow us to evaluate, design and implement financially-viable projects, with a 360° look at their business rationale. From putting together a killer-team, to facing abrupt operational challenges or convincing investors and banks, we are experienced and ready to manage the full value chain of any project, anywhere.